A hub for accessible resources by a network of organisations in marine science and conservation, adult education institutions and organisations which support educational initiatives for d/Deaf and visually impaired.

Resource Hub

If your organisation would like to collaborate, or contribute to our resource hub, please fill out the form below.

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Below, you can conduct a key word search of our curated database of accessible resources and services. Type in one of the the following keyword categories into the search bar:

  1. Type of resource: image, video, exhibit, toolkit, 3D models

  2. Type of pedagogical approach: visual, auditory, tactile, multisensory

  3. Name of organisation: Type in the name of a specific organisation you are looking for

  4. Country or location, or ‘digital’ if you are looking for an online/ digital resource: E.g. UK, Norway, online

  5. Other helpful keywords: d/Deaf, blind, visually impaired, sound

Deaf Leto Williams Deaf Leto Williams

Océano en Señas/ The Ocean in Signs

Océano en Señas is a pioneering project in Colombia, led by INVEMAR and involving the Colombian d/Deaf community. Its objective is to generate a vocabulary of terms associated with the Ocean in Colombian Sign Language.

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Leto Williams Leto Williams


EcoSpectrum is the first organization aiming to elevate climate and ocean literacy for youth on the autism spectrum.

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Tactile, Exhibit Leto Williams Tactile, Exhibit Leto Williams

Klimahaus Exhibit

Bremerhaven's Klimahaus takes many innovative pedagogical approaches as it invites learner to walk a path around the world, and observe the social and environmental challenges of climate change first hand.

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